Computational Imaging and Visual Innovations (CIVI) The Center for Computational Imaging and Visual Innovations (CIVI) specializes in research projects centered towards solving real-world problems through deep learning solutions trained on visual data. Research projects under CIVI focus on specific goals, …
Bioinformatics Lab Modern-day biology is a data-driven field, thanks largely to the advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies. The Bioinformatics Lab brings together faculty members and students interested in deploying the arsenal of computer science and computer engineering to solve problems …
Technology, Education, Entertainment, Empathy, Design (TE3D) House The TE3D House at the DLSU Laguna campus (re-)imagines, designs, implements and deploys software systems and apps concerned with “E3 : Education, Empathy, Entertainment”, with “human-centric design” as an over-arching principle. Projects pursued …
Graphics, Animation, Multimedia and Entertainment Laboratory (GAME Lab) DLSU GAME Lab is a research laboratory that focuses on the development of innovative projects in Graphics, Animation, Multimedia and Entertainment (hence, GAME lab). Formerly DLSU Game Development Laboratory, it was rebranded …
Center for Networking and Information Security (CNIS) CNIS focuses its research on various domains: traditional and software-defined networks, mobile and ad-hoc networks, sensor and actuator networks, overlay networks, network architecture and frameworks, network communication protocols, traffic handling and quality of …
Center for Human-Computer Innovations (CeHCI) CeHCI investigates the problem of multimodal emotion modeling and empathic response modeling to build human-centered design systems. By multimodal, we mean we recognize a human’s emotion based on facial expressions, speech, and movement (such as …
Center for Language Technologies (CeLT) The Center for Language Technologies is the leading research lab in the Philippines dedicated to the computational study of human languages. Our lab is composed of faculty members and students who work in areas such …
Center for ICT for Development (CITe4D) CITe4D aims to provide a venue for dynamic collaboration in research and innovation initiatives in the field of ICT for Development (ICT4D). The main goal CITe4D is to present a Lasallian response to the …
Center for Complexity and Emerging Technologies (COMET) COMET is a multidisciplinary research and professional laboratory under the Advanced Research Institute for Informatics, Computing, and Networking (AdRIC) of the College of Computer Studies that investigates the science of complex adaptive systems …