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Doctoral Degree ProgramsDepartment of Counseling and Educational Psychology Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology, with specialization in Clinical, School or Industrial Counseling Department of Educational Leadership and Management Doctor of Philosophy in Education, major …
Master in Learning and Teaching (Non-Thesis Program, MALT) The Master in Learning and Teaching Program is designed for teachers and educational practitioners who already have adequate levels of content knowledge in their subjects or courses, but would like to develop …
Master in Learning and Teaching (Thesis Program, MALT) The Master in Learning and Teaching Program is designed for teachers and educational practitioners who already have adequate levels of content knowledge in their subjects or courses, but would like to develop …
Master of Arts in Counseling (Thesis Program, MACLING) The Master of Arts in Counseling Program aims to train competent professional and research-oriented counselors who are able to promote optimal human development and to apply scientific research methods to find improved …
PhD in Educational Psychology (DEPSYC) The Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology Program is designed for individuals who wish to pursue advanced scholarship and professional practice in a specific area of educational psychology. It applies psychological approaches, theories, and methodologies …
PhD in Counseling Psychology (DPCPSYC) The Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology major in Clinical, School or Industrial Counseling Program aims to develop competent and effective academicians and practitioners in counseling psychology by (a) grounding the student in updated theories …
Teacher Certificate Program The Teacher Certificate Program (TCP) provides non-education degree holders with an understanding of the nature, cognitive, socio-emotional and physical characteristics of children who need appropriate general education programs. The program further equips students with appropriate educational delivery …
Master of Arts in English Language Education (Thesis Program, MELED) This program aims to develop competence in the teaching of English at the secondary and tertiary levels. Specifically, the courses in the program are geared towards the development of competence …
PhD in Education, major in Educational Leadership and Management (Executive Program, PhDELMX) The Executive Program in Educational Leadership and Management is designed for experienced educational leaders and managers. Through the adoption of an innovative teaching-learning system that combines traditional classroom …