“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.”
– Laura Ingalls Wilder

Happy World Environment Day!

Let’s do better to #BeatPlasticPollution this World Environment Day 2023!

Celebrations for World Environment Day 2023 kicked off in host-country Cote d’Ivoire yesterday. Venues across the capital city, Abidjan – from its historic lagoon to its first modern art museum – shone the spotlight on this year’s theme #BeatPlasticPollution. Continue Reading…

It’s not too late to take action to help #BeatPlasticPollution
World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matter. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action. Speaking out and pushing for change has sparked policy milestones, like plastic bag bans, innovations in alternatives to single-use plastic packaging, mobilized finance for sustainability, and led to the push for a global agreement to end plastic pollution.

Learn more about what you can do to take action on #BeatPlasticPollution and stay up to date on live World Environment Day updates via the campaign website.

Gaming for Wildlife: Cast Your Vote Today 

A unique chance to make a difference for the environment
The Green Game Jam is an annual event organized by the Playing for the Planet Alliance where gaming studios are challenged to implement ‘green activations’ into their games. Every year there is a common theme which aims to engage players around the world and inspire them to take action for the environment.

Theme & Goal
This year, gaming studios and their players are being taken on an adventure to conserve the wonderful wildlife found in three unique ecosystems to help safeguard the lives of harlequin toads in the Amazon, snow leopards in the Himalayas, and manta rays in the Western Indian Ocean for a year. Together, we can make a difference!

Voting 2023
Check out the participants for the Green Game Jam 2023 and cast your vote! We are asking everyone who plays games to let us know what their favorite activation is.

From 5th June until 11th June you can cast your vote right here on the website.

International Green Skills Conference: Skills for a Changing World

When: 28th September 2023
Where: Imperial College LondonHosted in partnership between the UK Government Department for Education and Times Higher Education, the International Green Skills Conference explores the challenges and opportunities that are coming to light with the development of green skills training and green career pathways.
The conference brings together the key groups needed to meet these challenges and make the most of these opportunities: the further and higher education sectors, businesses, policymakers, young people, adult learners and international partners. Join us to develop partnerships across sectors and countries to accelerate green skills provision for our changing world. More information and sign up details can be found on the website.

Fostering Business Models for a Sustainable Future

ESCP Business School and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), within the Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs) Initiative, will hold the second Symposium on Teaching & Curriculum Development in Sustainability Entrepreneurship in Paris on 12-13 June 2023. Global academic practitioners will discuss how to integrate sustainability into programme designs and inspire eco-entrepreneurs and new business model innovators of tomorrow. Speakers will address their experience and strategy for integrating sustainability; what has been effective and where challenges remain.

For whom?   
We invite students, teachers, entrepreneurs, universities, the private sector (including SMEs), civil society, policy makers and other interested individuals to join us. The event is of relevance to all those engaged in developing and establishing sustainable entrepreneurship curricula which will inspire the business model innovators of tomorrow.

How can I join?
We kindly invite you to attend the Hybrid Panel: Bringing Sustainability to the campus, global perspectives on 12th June 2023 from 14:00 – 15:30 CET. You can register here today.

RCE Youth Art Challenge: From Waste to Art

Submissions Open: Calling all young eco-artists! Create artwork to inspire others around the world to use resources more efficiently and to reduce waste.

The Global RCE Service Centre at the UN University – Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, in partnership with UNESCO, is now accepting submissions for the RCE Youth Art Challenge!

The challenge is open to anyone aged 35 or younger worldwide. Artwork should demonstrate how you or your local community are working to achieve sustainable consumption and production.

Deadline: 15th August 2023
Learn more here.

Call for Applications: The ESD Okayama Award 2023

Deadline: 14th July 2023 (Friday) 17:00 (JST)

The award recognizes activities that contribute to the spread of ESD in local communities in Japan and abroad and serve as models for the world. We are looking for projects that educate and develop people to learn from each other and take action toward the creation of a sustainable society in various aspects, such as environmental conservation, community development, inheritance of traditional culture, diversity and inclusion, and more.

Eligible Projects: ESD projects based in communities in any country/region
Award: One or Two Prizes: US $3,000 per project
Ceremony: 23rd November 2023 (Thursday) Okayama, Japan

For more information, check out the website here.

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Do you have any interesting calls to action, research asks or helpful information to share with others? Please don’t hesitate to send them to [email protected]  and we will select a few to include in our next newsletter.