Dr. Marie Bembie A. Girado

 Assistant Professorial Lecturer
[email protected]


Finished her Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Sydney, Australia under  Australia Awards Scholarship. She also received Carlyle Greenwell Scholarship during her candidature. Her research interest is primarily focused on understanding and analysis of how social policy and programs work on the ground. Her field include  indigenous studies, monitoring and evaluation, anthropology, and development studies.



A Case Study on the Implementation of Conditional Cash Transfer in Indigenous Communities of  Esperanza, Agusan Del Sur- Monograph Series published by Yuchengco Center, De La Salle University
Security of Tenure, Capital Accumulation and Quality of Life for Poverty Alleviation-Occasional Paper No. 1 2014-A, Social Development Research Center

-YouthLed Civic Education Program -Jesse Robredo Institute of Governance
-Price Monitoring System Development for Department of Agriculture-Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service-Development Academy of the Philippines


Member, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre

Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion Advisor, Australia Awards Short Courses

Panel Member,  EUROSEAS International Conference 2019 at the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Presenter, Back from the field? Archiving data from a field methods class, The Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources In Endangered Languages International Conference 2021 at The University of Sydney, Australia