Important Details

Before you submit your work, ensure that you’ve done the appropriate steps below and have checked the documents needed to submit your work.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Format

Here in JCIEA, we have set rules and guidelines so that the works published are unified under one journal. In order for you to publicize with us, please follow the manuscript format that we have set. You can download the template by clicking on the download button.

Copyright Form

We as a publication must ensure that the work that you have made is properly credited to you. Simply publicizing under our name is not enough. Please complete the copyright form and submit it with your manuscript. You can download the form by clicking on the button.

Publication Ethics

In JCIEA, the works that we publish follow a ethics code so that we can assure our readers that the work that they read is of the highest quality and are up to a certain standard. Some of these standards include the accuracy and honesty of the research paper and its results, proper credit is given to other researchers, and consent from all stock holders envolved, etc. The standards that we follow are from the Indian Journal of Ophthamology. You can visit their website and learn more about publication ethics my cliking on the learn more button.

Before you submit your manuscript to us, please be sure to have check if any part of your research does not meet our standard. If you feel that your work meets all of our standards, then you can submit your manuscript!

You can download the complete list of our standards by clicking on the button below.

Publication Charges

Publication of your paper would not incur any charges.

Submit Your Manuscript!

Once you’ve read the Author’s Guidelines and have successfully filled up the Copyright Form; and if you feel that your works meets our publication ethics, then you may now submit your work to us! Simply click on the button below and it will redirect you to the submission page!